The COVID-19 pandemic poses an unparalleled global health challenge. Ethical decision-making should appropriately guide the implementation of socially sustainable measures. Cooperation and solidarity, integrity and respect for vulnerability are called for at different levels and with different expressions.
On 3 April, the Portuguese National Council on Ethics for the Life Sciences (CNECV) issued a Position Statement on the relevant ethical aspects concerning the public health emergency situation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, which has since been referred to the international bioethics community and directed to the President of the Portuguese Republic, the Portuguese Parliament and the higher health authorities. The CNECV highlighted:
Attention to the values of life and human dignity
Permanent and continued ethical review of established measures
Ensuring up-to-date, accurate, clear, complete and transparent information
Strengthening solidarity
Promoting the adequate use of health resources
Protecting healthcare professionals
Strengthening Science and scientific research
Affirming values of social justice and equity