Born on January 5, 1970, Carlos Cortes has lived in Coimbra since the beginning of his superior studies. Graduated in Medicine in 1999 and completed his specialization in Clinical Pathology in 2006. Since then, has worked in the National Health Service as a Clinical Pathologist. Has a subspecialty in Medical Microbiology since 2020. He also has the Competence in Health Services Management from the Portuguese Medical Association since 2020, a postgraduate degree in Health Management and Direction and a postgraduate degree in Health Ethics from the University of Coimbra. Has extensive clinical and scientific experience. He began his professional career at the University of Coimbra Hospitals, the Portuguese Institute of Oncology - Francisco Gentil in Coimbra, and the Médio Tejo Hospital Center. In March 2023, was elected as President of The Portuguese Medical Association for the three-year period 2023-2025.