6th Mandate

Paula Pinto de Freitas

Mother of two children, MD, PhD in Medicine, Specialist in Psychiatry and Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Professor of Medical Psychology and Mental Health at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar of the University of Porto. Director of the Department of Behavioral Sciences (2006-2012), Member of the Scientific Council since 2007, Co-Director of the Master Degree in Forensic Medicine and Director of the Master Degree in Genetic Counseling of ICBAS since 2020. Member of the Ethics Committee of the University of Porto since 2019. Member of the Board of the Medical Association’s Specialty College of Psychiatry of Childhood and Adolescence (2002-2009). Integrates the Psychiatry and Mental Health Service of CHUP, dedicating particular interest to parenthood and namely to the area of Medically Assisted Procreation and Prenatal Diagnosis, being responsible for the Support Centre for Obstetrics and Gynaecology Services of CMIN/CHUP. Founding Member and Honorary Member of the Portuguese Association for Developmental Disorders and Autism – APPDA-Norte (1984), being responsible for its technical direction. Psychoanalyst, Associate Member of the Portuguese Psychoanalytical Society (SPP) of the Fédéracion Européenne de Psyanalyse (FEP) and of the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA). Paula Pinto de Freitas carries out Clinical and Translational Research, having been a researcher at ISPUP (2012-17) and is Principal Researcher of the "InSight" Group, CINTESIS since 2019. Her research activity stems from her interest and taste for clinical and intervention/action.

Get to know other members of the 6th Mandate

Anália Torres
Anália Torres


Maria do Céu Patrão Neves
Maria do Céu Patrão Neves

President elected inter pares

André Dias Pereira
André Dias Pereira

Vice-President elected inter pares

Carlos Cortes
Carlos Cortes


Carlos Maurício Barbosa
Carlos Maurício Barbosa


Helder Dias Mota Filipe
Helder Dias Mota Filipe


Inês Fernandes Godinho
Inês Fernandes Godinho


Inês Fronteira
Inês Fronteira


João Queiroz e Melo
João Queiroz e Melo


João Ramalho-Santos
João Ramalho-Santos


José Manuel Pereira de Almeida
José Manuel Pereira de Almeida


Luís Duarte Madeira
Luís Duarte Madeira


Lurdes Martins
Lurdes Martins


Margarida Godinho Costa
Margarida Godinho Costa


Margarida Silvestre
Margarida Silvestre


Miguel Oliveira da Silva
Miguel Oliveira da Silva


Miguel Ricou
Miguel Ricou


Pedro Fevereiro
Pedro Fevereiro


Rosalvo Almeida
Rosalvo Almeida


Rui Nunes
Rui Nunes


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